Keysearch Starter

Keysearch Starter

Simple Keyword Research

Find keywords for your website, blog, or business that are relevant and low in competition.

Keywords with Low Competition in Any Niche

What is Keysearch

Using the Keysearch keyword tool, you can locate related, niche-relevant keywords in a variety of ways. Simply enter a seed term, and Keysearch will return hundreds of keywords, along with search volume and CPC information. Our Related Keywords, Google Suggest, Amazon Suggest, YouTube Suggest, and our own database of over 1 billion keywords can help you narrow down your search.

Find Long-Tailed Keywords

If that’s not enough, you can also add your competitor’s URL and Keysearch will collect keywords that your competitors are ranking for, providing you a limitless number of opportunities to find hidden-gem long tail keywords. Did I mention that we have a YouTube research section and advanced filtering options? Search engine optimization has just gotten a lot easier.

Keysearch Starter
Keysearch Portal

Analyze the Keywords Competition

With Keysearch, you can perform in-depth competition analysis in seconds and at the touch of a button. Our powerful system considers multiple on-page and off-page ranking aspects to provide you with an accurate single-digit keyword difficulty score as well as a comprehensive analysis of the first-page search results.

Difficulty Scores & In-Depth Analysis for Keywords

You can check competition for several keywords in bulk immediately from the Research page, or use our bulk keyword difficulty analyzer to paste a list of your own keywords. With our Deep Analysis function, you can compare numerous keywords or go even further by capturing more data including LSI keywords. Giving you an understanding of how Google’s algorithm works.

Keysearch Starter

The Ultimate SEO Toolkit

Keysearch is a full-featured SEO powerhouse, not just a keyword research tool. Giving you all the tools you need to keep track of your SEO efforts and spy on your competition.

Keyword Research in Depth
Difficulty Checker Keyword
Analysis of SEO Competition
Tracking Your Rank
Ideas for Niche Markets
YouTube Analysis
Checker for Backlinks
Analyzer for Webpage Audits
Analysis of Competitors
Assistant for Content

Intelligence & Rank Tracking

Your rankings will be tracked automatically by Keysearch. You’ll even be able to acquire tracings that pinpoint your exact location. You can create reports, receive notifications, and get rating updates on demand.

Furthermore, our Explorer function and Competitive Analysis section are where SEO takes off. Allows you to search any site for backlinks, organic keyword ranks, and much more.

Monitor Keywords and Backlinks

You can monitor your competitors or examine your own backlinks. You can enter a list of URLs and check metrics such as PA, DA, and Alexa in bulk.

In addition, the Material Assistant technology breaks down the types of content Google looks for on the first page of results, allowing us to optimize ranks for each article or blog post. This provides you with all of the information you require in an easily digestible format, allowing you to get an advantage over your competitors.

Keysearch Starter

Take Your SEO to the Next Level and Outperform Your Competitors

Keysearch provides you with all of the tools you need to outwit, outrank, and outrun your Google competitors. Keysearch was intended not only to be the best research tool available, but it was also built from the ground up with real users in mind, by expert SEOs. You’ll have a distinct advantage that no other product can provide.

Exceptional Support and Updates

It can accomplish a lot more than just keywords, but it is the most comprehensive keyword research tool available. Support is incredible, with people that truly care. They’ve even added new features on a regular basis.

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